Tuesday 12 April 2011

My Story


Thanks for coming to read my blog.
This is my first post on my first blog so please forgive me if this is a little rough around the edges…

So, as this part is titled “My Story” I guess I should start with the basics…

I am a 29 year old (as of writing) guy from UK and have only just recently been diagnosed with ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) over past few months. I have suffered with re-occurring problems with my ears ever since I was a young child. I had numerous rounds or sets of “grommets” (or ear drum ventilation tubes) as I was growing up which were used to elevate the condition of “glue-ear”…
As a child I developed an irrational fear of anything going wrong with my ears which developed into a debilitating phobia when at about 13 or 14 years old I was unfortunate enough to be the victim of a firework prank (someone threw a firework into a shop I was in and the damn thing exploded at my feet perpetrating my ear drums and solidifying my fears).

As I grew older my ears seemed to ease slightly (particularly in my late teens / early twenties) and although I was back and forth to the Doctor’s Surgery every 4 to 6 months with ear infections, I lived a relatively normal life (with the exception of swimming – which I avoided any instance that would involve my head submerging under water).

My situation worsened over past 2 / 3 years when after routine trip to Docs to see about a particularly stubborn infection, I learned that the doc was more concerned about my loss of hearing and so, off I went to see an ENT specialist a few weeks later…
This particular specialist I’m not afraid to say was lacking in bedside manners and after some tests informed me that “all those infections you’ve had have actually worn away one of the bones that conducts sound in your ear and so I must operate to reconstruct those bones!”

… WOW! Talk about dropping a bombshell!

I asked if there were alternatives and what my options were, but he was so keen to pull out the scalpel that his responses were mute and vague at best. I also asked what the risks were and again I received the same vague response, so I kindly declined on the basis that I would need tome time to think about it.

A few months passed and i had only a few “flare-ups” which seemed to be eased by antibiotics.
I moved home and met my soon to be wonderful wife – life was good until I started to suffer from what I thought were repeated infections which antibiotics did not seem to help at all only this time they were accompanied by other symptoms (which I had experienced before but nowhere near this severely) – I would get the feeling of being able to hear my own internal sounds – my heart beating, my own footsteps booming in my head and worst of all my voice reverberating in my left ear like a trumpet (fuzzy as if someone turned up so loud that it “blared”).

These symptoms as anyone who suffers with a similar condition will attest absolutely floored me, leaving me depressed, disorientated and helpless.

Months of trips back and forth to the doctor eventually resulted in a referral to another ENT specialist.
This time the specialist was much more understanding and so much better equipped to answer my questions. He explained that although the issues with the conductor bones were not helping (the cause of my hearing loss) the operation to repair would be risky at best and could result in permanent and complete hearing loss in the affected ear. He went on to explain that the underlying cause for all of these years was a relatively newly acknowledged condition named ETD and that I have suffered particularly because I have an unusually narrow Eustachian Tube on my left side which keeps filling with fluid and causing not only the infections but the debilitating symptoms which I keep experiencing. He suggested what I have since learned are the “usual remedies” – nasal sprays, antihistamines and steam along with blowing my nose whilst holding it pinched so as to pop my ears and equalise the pressure…

… None of the remedies suggested worked!

**Apologies if this is a little long winded, (I’m almost up to date) I just find it easier to try and organise my thoughts in sequence and… it’s been a very long winded two years of late J**

…Back to see the doctor I went (now feeling thoroughly lost and unsure). The doc was helpful and I know that he was trying his best to help but it seemed that I had exhausted all of his knowledge on ETD so he referred to the “top” ENT specialist in my area who again confirmed that the cause of my suffering was indeed Eustachian Tube Dysfunction but said that there was not a great deal he could offer in terms of a remedy or solution to my problems other than to place more ventilation tubes to equalise the pressure with warnings of risks and further permanent damage to my ear and advised that this would only solve my problems temporarily as the tubes would fall out and my problems would likely return and so I simply had to find a way to deal with my condition – when I don’t have a “flare-up” I’m fine, completely back to my usual self, but when the tube fills it lasts anywhere between 1 to 9 weeks (my latest “bout” still not cleared up after 9 weeks and counting) and so “dealing with it” is not as easy as some might think…

… I left feeling hopeless. Several weeks later I was right as rain, everything had cleared up and I was fine (funny how the brain seems to automatically “forget” about the bad times when things are ok) and so I told my self – when it does happen I just need to find a way to deal with it until it passes.

…Cut to today – latest flare-up: 9 weeks and counting…

·         Ways to deal with it = 0
·         Days managed to “cope” = 0
·         Days felt miserable = 63
·         Times hoped/prayed that it would get better “somehow” = 90000000000000
·         Times missed out on doing something that I would normally enjoy = 150
·         Nights spend in house “instead” of going out with wife / friends =  >10
·         Medications / remedies tried this time = 6
·         Times back to Doctor in hope that he has some suggestions = 4
·         Trips to see a “counsellor” = 2 (then give up as I realised that I don’t fit into a “depression group”)
And so at my last session with the counsellor he suggested that I should write down how I feel and that would at least help me understand my own worries/fears/concerns/feelings.

I must admit that I have spent hours online trying to find some sort of “miracle” fix to my illness without any luck at all secretly hoping that someone out there has found a way to ease the symptoms but all that I found were more people on the same road, all desperately searching for the same thing and asking the same question – “how can I make this go away!?”

Most days just seem to slip away at the moment (I get up, I work and I go to bed hoping tomorrow I will wake up and this last “bout” will have eased) and I’m starting to resent myself for wishing away precious time but I do find myself thinking “if I can just slip past the next day/week, until the flare-up passes then I will be back to my-self again!”

Today, whilst my brain was against my will running around after one of those very thoughts, I decided that I might actually take the counsellor up on one of his suggestions (believe me he had very few useful suggestions that were not related to depression or anxiety control – none of which fit with my situation) and write something down.

So, here it is… My story in blog format. I must confess my intensions are not entirely selfless. My hope is that there are people out there suffering through the same days that I suffer and that can share their thoughts and give misery some company (whilst secretly hoping that there is one happy guy/girl out there that has found a way to ease these terrible, debilitating symptoms of a condition that does not seem to have any real remedy).

I will keep posting as the days go on and as I try anything new so that if I do happen to find anything which helps I will share with the world and hope to help those that suffer as I do.

I hope that my story helps others that perhaps have this same condition understand that they are not alone, others feel the same way – somehow that is the only thought that comforts me when things seem bleak.

Best Wishes!


  1. Hello. 26 year old female here living in San Francisco. I was diagnosed with ETD over a year and half ago. I've tried everything - even had tubes put in my ears. The tubes actually got stuck and had to be surgically removed :/ They did nothing to help my condition. I stopped counting the days I've felt miserable, lost sleep, or stayed in instead of hanging out with my friends. I'm trying acupuncture in a few weeks. Please feel free to email me if you ever want to chat about ETD. Jac264@cornell.edu

  2. 35 Male and not yet diagnosed with EDT but all your symptoms in your blog sure describe the way I've felt for about a week now. I went out for a 6 mile run and the morning after every sound came muffled. I felt annoyed listening to people talk to me. Today I got home from work and went to lay down. I was hoping that rest was all I needed. Now i'm searching the internet in hopes to find ANY kind of solution. Glad I found this post. Too bad no solution. I'm interested in finding out how the acupuncture went.


  3. 16 Female, diagnosed with ETD too. Read your blog and felt like crying through the entire thing. Feel the exact same. I feel miserable and I get so angry that I have to just ''deal with it''. I actually just got it from being on the plane, a few weeks later my ears started popping and to ''fix it'' I would have to make a funny face where I would have to kind of blow pressure out of my ears, and that would only make it less irritating for 5 minutes, and then it would come back straight after. It's been so frustrating having to live with it, and I've had it for two and a half years so far, it's making me really upset. I'm scared that I'll have hearing loss when I'm older and I'm really scared I won't be able to do the things I want to do. It sucks how there's no permanent solution found and to me, there's not even a temporary solution. I have yet gone to get surgery to have the tube inserted; I don't want things to get worse so I'm trying to ''deal with it'' as long as I can but I can't do it any longer, I'm getting so frustrated. When the doctor told me that there's really nothing I could do except get the tube inserted, I felt like crying so much. I mean, the condition doesn't even sound as bad when I describe it to others, but it's so hard to understand. It really does suck. When I can hear myself breathing and talking, I get so worked up because who the hell wants to hear themselves breathe? It's incredibly annoying and popping your ears by holding your nose closed and blowing, really does not work at all, it actually makes it worse for me. Any ways, just needed a place to vent. So thanks for the post, have a lovely day.

    1. Hi there, curious how you're doing since this last post? Did you find a solution? I'm confused how you got this condition by flying? I think I have ETD but my symptoms appear different than everyone here. I have jaw clicking/popping and pain in my ears like they feel blocked up all the time but I can hear just fine.. It feels like someone has their thumb pressing deep into my EUSTACIAN tube and it hurts. I feel like I have to pop them open all the time or I get this suctioning with my ear drum. When I wake up it feels clogged until I wiggle around my back throat muscles to open my tube up a bit which works but then it just keeps closing up or that's what it feels like. But when I pintch my nose and Pop my ear, nothing changes or makes me feel "opened" again. Sometimes my ear click, itch,burn and feels pressure but hearing is perfect.

      I'm wondering if everyone here has PETA not ETD it's the opposite of ETD where your tubes are opened all the time, not glued shut; like mine, I think?
      There's a dr. Weeks in sandiego that everyone raves about that fixes this issue with balloon dialation catheter. I'm thinking of doing it if I do infact have ETD. Like I said, I can pop my ear but it never takes the clogged feeling away or makes me feel opened up. Anyway I'm curious how flying caused your issue cause I'm flying in October to Florida. Let me and I hope your doing better!

  4. Hi I feel everything you guys are describing I haven't being diagnosed with ETD but I have all the symptoms and being having for the past two and a half years. I've come to my breaking point just now I cant live the rest of my life hearing a "click" every single time I swallow. I've become so depress and cant stop crying about it. I just want my normal ears back.. I don't know what to do any more specially since they don't have a cure for this. I'm hoping that in the near future there will be a permanent solution for all of us.

  5. I know it's a bit young but , I'm 11 female and I have ETD . My friends don't really understand what I am going through ,but you guys do. Sometimes it can get really annoying because it clicks and pops but sometimes I totally forget about it and move on . Mine is really not as worse as yours . I have only had it for about 3 months now . I get occasional ringing like usually 5-30 minutes every week or something . I have went to the doctors once and she said it was ETD . The second time I went they gave me an otovent glue ear balloon which I was supposed to blow up with my nose to equalize the pressure . It hasn't worked and it really hurt my ears . But my advice is to stay strong . If I do have surgery or something like you's had like a tube inserted or something , please tell me - does it hurt or is it scary ?

  6. ETD had really messed with my head for 7 years. It drove me insane. One thing that have worked for me is to practice mediation 20 minutes a day every day. What this does is help me stay in the moment and out of my head. It had helped me stop thinking obsessively about the muffled sound that is coming into my left ear. It also increases my focus, which helps balance out the slight Central Auditory Processing Disorder that comes with my ETD. It also helps me a ton to keep my nasal cavities clear and pressure free by using the neti tea pot to clean it out daily. I think the hardest part about ETD is total acceptance of my current condition and lifestyle changes, otherwise, it's really not all that bad. It's not like it's cancer right? :) live, accept, and smile.

    1. I found a clinical trial for a medical device to treat ETD:


      It is enrolling now and I might be a candidate. The contact info (email) is on the link. Perhaps give it a try!!

  7. Hello,

    Is anyone still posting here?

  8. Hey! You emailed me a while back but I lost your email. I found a clinical trial for a medical device to treat ETD:


    It is enrolling now and I might be a candidate. The contact info (email) is on the link. Perhaps give it a try!!
